tt_content.carriere_tx_carriere_enchiffres = FLUIDTEMPLATE tt_content.carriere_tx_carriere_enchiffres { layoutRootPaths.0 = EXT:formations/Resources/Private/Layouts/ layoutRootPaths.10 = {$plugin.tx_formations.view.layoutRootPath} partialRootPaths.0 = EXT:formations/Resources/Private/Partials/ partialRootPaths.10 = {$plugin.tx_formations.view.partialRootPath} templateRootPaths.0 = EXT:formations/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/ templateRootPaths.10 = {$plugin.tx_formations.view.templateRootPath} templateName = TxCarriereEnchiffres dataProcessing.10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor dataProcessing.10 { if.isTrue.field = tx_carriere_tx_carriere_enchiffres_repeat table = tx_carriere_tx_carriere_enchiffres_repeat pidInList.field = pid where = parentid=###uid### AND deleted=0 AND hidden=0 orderBy = sorting markers.uid.field = uid as = data_tx_carriere_tx_carriere_enchiffres_repeat } } tt_content.accordion { ########################## ### DATA PREPROCESSING ### ########################## dataProcessing { 10 = BK2K\BootstrapPackage\DataProcessing\FlexFormProcessor 20 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor 20 { table = tx_bootstrappackage_accordion_item pidInList.field = pid where { data = field:uid intval = 1 wrap = tt_content=| } orderBy = sorting dataProcessing { 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor 10 { table = tx_bootstrappackage_accordion_item_repeater pidInList.field = pid where { data = field:uid intval = 1 wrap = tt_content=| } orderBy = sorting dataProcessing { 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor 10 { references.fieldName = media } } } } } } } #BANDEAU ALERTE lib.alerte = CONTENT lib.alerte { stdWrap.wrap =
stdWrap.required = 1 table = tt_content select { orderBy = sorting pidInList = {$alerteId} where = colPos=0 } }