page.10 { partialRootPaths { 4 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/BootstrapPackage/Partials/Page/ } layoutRootPaths { 4 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/BootstrapPackage/Layouts/Page/ } templateRootPaths { 4 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/BootstrapPackage/Templates/Page/ } } lib.contentElement { templateRootPaths { 30 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/BootstrapPackage/Templates/ContentElements/ } partialRootPaths { 30 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/BootstrapPackage/Partials/ContentElements/ } } plugin.tx_savoir { view { templateRootPaths.0 = /var/www/html/eiffel-web-12lts-loic/extensions/savoir/Resources/Private/Templates/ partialRootPaths.0 = /var/www/html/eiffel-web-12lts-loic/extensions/savoir/Resources/Private/Partials/ layoutRootPaths.0 = /var/www/html/eiffel-web-12lts-loic/extensions/savoir/Resources/Private/Layouts/ } } plugin.tx_news.view { templateRootPaths { 2 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/News/Templates/ } } ### GOOGLE SEARCH ### plugin.tx_eiffel_wsgooglesearch { view { partialRootPaths { 1 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Partials/ } templateRootPaths { 1 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Templates/ } } } plugin.tx_eiffel_wsgooglesearchajax { view { partialRootPaths { 1 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Partials/ } templateRootPaths { 1 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Templates/ } } } //Pour la pagination des cartes de catégories tt_content.menu_categorized_pages > tt_content.menu_categorized_pages =< lib.contentElement tt_content.menu_categorized_pages { templateName = MenuCategorizedPages dataProcessing { 10 = Brightside\Paginatedprocessors\DataProcessing\PaginatedMenuProcessor 10 { as = menuCategorizedPages special = categories special { value.field = selected_categories relation.field = category_field sorting = title order = asc } dataProcessing { 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor 10 { references.fieldName = media } } pagination { isActive = 1 itemsPerPage = 6 pageLinksShown = 9 uniqueId.field = uid uniquePaginatorName = 1 previousPageNumber = 1 nextPageNumber = 1 } } 90 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor 90 { if { isTrue.field = accessibility_bypass } table = tt_content pidInList = this orderBy = sorting max = 1 where { dataWrap = colPos = {field:colPos} AND sorting > {field:sorting} } as = nextContentElement } } } //Pour la pagination des cartes de sous-pages #tt_content.menu_subpages{ tt_content.menu_subpages > tt_content.menu_subpages =< lib.contentElement tt_content.menu_subpages { templateName = MenuSubpages dataProcessing { 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor 10 { special = directory special.value.field = pages dataProcessing { 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor 10 { references.fieldName = media } } } 90 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor 90 { if { isTrue.field = accessibility_bypass } table = tt_content pidInList = this orderBy = sorting max = 1 where { dataWrap = colPos = {field:colPos} AND sorting > {field:sorting} } as = nextContentElement } } } //Pour la pagination des cartes de pages tt_content.menu_card_list > tt_content.menu_card_list =< lib.contentElement tt_content.menu_card_list { templateName = MenuCardList dataProcessing { 10 = BK2K\BootstrapPackage\DataProcessing\FlexFormProcessor 20 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor 20 { as = menuCardList special = list special.value.field = pages includeNotInMenu = 1 dataProcessing { 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor 10 { references.fieldName = thumbnail if { isTrue = {$plugin.bootstrap_package_contentelements.menu_card.thumbnail.enable} } } 1628754217 = BK2K\BootstrapPackage\DataProcessing\IconsDataProcessor 1628754217 { iconSet.field = nav_icon_set iconIdentifier.field = nav_icon_identifier iconFileFieldName = nav_icon as = icon if { isTrue = {$plugin.bootstrap_package_contentelements.menu_card.icon.enable} } } } pagination { isActive = 1 itemsPerPage = 3 pageLinksShown = 9 uniqueId.field = uid uniquePaginatorName = 1 } pagination > } 90 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor 90 { if { isTrue.field = accessibility_bypass } table = tt_content pidInList = this orderBy = sorting max = 1 where { dataWrap = colPos = {field:colPos} AND sorting > {field:sorting} } as = nextContentElement } } } //Pour la pagination des cartes de sous-pages tt_content.menu_card_dir > tt_content.menu_card_dir =< lib.contentElement tt_content.menu_card_dir { templateName = MenuCardDir dataProcessing { 10 = BK2K\BootstrapPackage\DataProcessing\FlexFormProcessor 20 = Brightside\Paginatedprocessors\DataProcessing\PaginatedMenuProcessor 20 { as = menuCardDir special = directory special.value.field = pages dataProcessing { 10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor 10 { references.fieldName = thumbnail if { isTrue = {$plugin.bootstrap_package_contentelements.menu_card.thumbnail.enable} } } 1628754217 = BK2K\BootstrapPackage\DataProcessing\IconsDataProcessor 1628754217 { iconSet.field = nav_icon_set iconIdentifier.field = nav_icon_identifier iconFileFieldName = nav_icon as = icon if { isTrue = {$plugin.bootstrap_package_contentelements.menu_card.icon.enable} } } } pagination { isActive = 1 itemsPerPage = 6 pageLinksShown = 9 uniqueId.field = uid uniquePaginatorName = 1 previousPageNumber = 1 nextPageNumber = 1 } } 90 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor 90 { if { isTrue.field = accessibility_bypass } table = tt_content pidInList = this orderBy = sorting max = 1 where { dataWrap = colPos = {field:colPos} AND sorting > {field:sorting} } as = nextContentElement } } } lib.contentElement.settings { previousLabel = Précédent nextLabel = Suivant } [siteLanguage("languageId") == 1] lib.contentElement.settings { previousLabel = Previous nextLabel = Next } [global] //Contenu menu page tag tt_content.menu_tag_pages =< lib.contentElement tt_content.menu_tag_pages { templateName = MenuCategorizedPages dataProcessing { 10 = Wseils\Savoir\DataProcessing\MenuTagProcessor 10 { as = menuCategorizedPages special = directory special.value = {$} levels = 5 expandAll = 1 pagination { isActive = 1 itemsPerPage = 6 pageLinksShown = 9 uniqueId.field = uid uniquePaginatorName = 1 previousPageNumber = 1 nextPageNumber = 1 } } } } //Le contenu sommaire remonte tous les contenus tt_content.menu_section.dataProcessing.10.dataProcessing.20.where > #Définition des constantes pour logo multilang page { 10 { settings { logo { linktitleEN = {$page.logo.linktitleEN} } } } } # Contenu Partage d'article tt_content.savoir_sharearticle = FLUIDTEMPLATE tt_content.savoir_sharearticle { layoutRootPaths.0 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Layouts/ partialRootPaths.0 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Partials/ templateRootPaths.0 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/ templateName = ShareArticle } #Surcharge template wseils usine tt_content.wseilsusine_external_link_bloc.templateRootPaths.20 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/ tt_content.wseilsusine_trombinoscopemixtes.10.templateRootPaths.20 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/ tt_content.wseilsusine_boxtextimg.templateRootPaths.20 = EXT:savoir/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/